
The study of nature’s grace, in growth, expansion, and renewal. The never ending, cycle of life and our behavior.

We are born & grow: 1 to 5 years

We learn: 6 to 11 yrs

We act out: 12 to 17 yrs

We experiment: 18 to 22

We stand alone: 23 to 29

We make mistakes and try and teach and help others: 30 to 40

We realize, reflect and get confused: 40 to 50

We understand everything and know nothing, but start to realize that what has influenced us from 1 to 17 has formed our behaviors of today and we can begin to heal: 50 to 60

We become calmer and accept: 60 to 70

We hopefully become peaceful: 70 to death.

Not all of us do understand that our behavior is a never-ending cycle in our life. What we see, taste, hear and feel from 1 to 5 years of age is the foundation that builds our behavior pattern for the rest of our lives. By the time we are halfway through our life cycle, many of us end up having to revisit and try to fix, understand, come to terms, accept (or whatever terms best suits your situation) our past, so that the rest of our years here in this lifetime, is spent as quality time, so we can go out with peace.

Question, do you think your life is a Sophistry?


This Launched my mind into deep Thought

This is something I read and wanted to share:

Our Quest to Build the Ideal Self

When we begin our spiritual journeys  of inner growth, we discover many things about ourselves, other people and the world.

We uncover the lies we tell ourselves and others, the lies the world tells us, we work on exploring our personalities, we work on improving our personalities, we heal our wounds, we try to make peace with ourselves, we try to make amends with others … and many more things that go hand-in-hand with the cultivation of self-awareness, self-discovery, self-understanding and self-transformation. These are all very useful practices.

Eventually, we develop a pretty good understanding of ourselves – of our flaws and strengths, of our core wounds and shadow elements and of our true dreams and gifts. We nourish our bodies, change our diets, create healthy personal boundaries, cut away toxic habits, say goodbye to destructive people, build new friendships and relationships, and eventually develop love and respect for who we think we are. This is all imperative.

And yet … we always feel as though something is missing in our lives.

We still work to pursue creating an “ideal self,” that always feels happy, that never suffers and that is constantly at peace. We still work to build and enhance our identities, whether through identifying as vegans, as yogis, as empaths, as intuitives, as Buddhists, as healers, as spiritual students or teachers, as Old Souls, as shamans, as eco warriors, and as any of the other hundreds of identity labels we love to collect and embody.

And yet … we are never happy. We always seek more – we always seek to “be” more. Our quest is never-ending. We think that we can “defeat” the mind by using the mind … but have you ever questioned the validity of this? Have you ever asked yourself the following question:

“Will I ever be enough?”

Will You Really Ever “Be Enough”?

The question may seem absurd: “Of course I am enough!” you might think as I once did. “I am a smart, attractive, intelligent, kind and loving person – of course I am enough!”

Yes, yes you are. And to achieve this kind of self-respect is an important part of the growth process away from self-hatred to self-love.

But there comes a time after you have cultivated self-love and self-respect where you come to realize something miraculous:

You will never be enough because who you “think” you are is not truly “who” you are.

All of the memories, all of the beliefs, all of the associations, all of the spiritual and worldly labels, all of the tastes, all of the traumas, all of the loves and hates, all of the insecurities and strengths, they are not truly “who” you are.

And no matter how highly you regard yourself, no matter how popular, liked, celebrated, or lovable you are – your identity remains as a burden; a barrier that prevents you from the purest self-realization which is that you are an expression of Oneness. Your true nature has no name, no form, no identity, no limits. You are everything and nothing at the same time.

I Love, Me, Myself & I ?

Why is self acceptance and self love so hard for us humans? 

Why do we love ourselves more if another human finds us worthy? 

Why do we punish ourselves by eating food not good for us and drinking alcohol that is poison for our bodies?

Why can’t we give the love to ourselves that we think others give to us?

Why do we lie to ourselves?

Why aren’t we devoted to ourselves?

We should be.


Random Soulmates

Soulmates, yes plural because I do believe we humans have our feel good tribe of people that we are attracted to. When we are close to these humans we feel good over all, something within us wakes up and an energy within begins to tingle mentally and physically. This is not to be mistaken for sexual arousal even though it is close. Our human soulmates are all around us and all over the world.

I think we humans are too conditioned by “superficial” forces and this blinds our natural instincts to listen to what we naturally have within ourselves to guid us through life correctly. 

How is it that with certain humans you automatically feel comfortable, safe, happy, excited and time stands still.

With others you feel disgusted, angry, uncomfortable and just over all annoyed.

Does this have to do with pheromones, DNA or past lives?

Is it possible, with the right people around, you can live your best life because you are a better you?

As “they” say some people bring out the best in us and others bring out the worst in us.

Time/Life is too short to be wasted on the wrong when there is so much right.

-Issa Ready/Pronto?

Slap the person

Is it possible to be grateful and feel lost all at the same time? I am a grateful human but It is so strange that during a day I lose myself many times. I find myself wondering, what was I doing? Where am I? What am I doing here? I do end up finding myself after a few minutes but the confusion is strange.

I realize that when we humans lose someone very close to us we have a few ways to deal with the loss.

We throw ourselves into our work and not think about it, but the outcome later is. The feelings we purposely avoided comes out when we least expect it and this can be very embarrassing at times if we are not alone.

Or, we want to deal with our loss, but have a family that demands our attention and this distracts us from dealing with our loss. (Result) Same as above.

We also can take what time we can find and be alone and mourn for our loss by either crying, feeling anger, feeling guilt, processing all events in our mind, remembering moments or actually feeling the void in its fullness. We can’t know how much time this will take, every loss is different from another. Our feelings are at different depths for everyone. Also each one of us are exceptionally different humans in our way to process.

Someone said to me the other day. “I am sorry for your loss, but we all will lose our parents in our lifetime.”

My first reaction was to slap the person (which I did quietly in my mind), but the fact is true. I remember my grandmother telling me, “Issa, all the family I grew up with is dead. All my friends of my youth are gone, yes I have young friends but I don’t understand them when they talk, the world is so different.”

So, yes I have many more losses to come, so I better stock up on bandages, gauze and antiseptic to be ready to stitch & repair my heart over and over again before it is my time to transcend.

Issa summer 2023